Sunol Wilderness From Above

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The oak-studded hillsides of California’s Sunol Wilderness shine green after the winter rains.

Now that we can use small electronics during airplane takeoff and landing, new opportunities arise. I decided to try my hand at taking photographs during the descent into San Francisco. It’s often a really beautiful descent, flying right over Yosemite and the High Sierra, then the chaparral foothills, and then right over the bay and San Francisco. And this flight was supposed to be landing right around sunset, too! Unfortunately, we made good time, and were a bit early (how often is that a bad thing?). The approach was also more southerly, so we didn’t fly over Yosemite or SF. The good news is that there is great scenery down there too. This shot is of the San Antonio Reservoir, and the Sunol Wilderness below it. The oak-studded, gently undulating hillsides are so beautiful in their spring garb — one of my favorite sights. And even though it wasn’t quite sunset, the light was still pretty dang good!

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